• Reserve online using our secure booking system or give us a call: Granada: +34 604 47 68 13 | Almeria: +34 633 97 21 08


The client accepts the contract conditions for the development of the route.
The Client is, in all circumstances, responsible for his behaviour, the vehicle, and all equipment under his control. Our routes are enjoyment, not a sporting competition or speed test. The guide will set the speed, you must adapt your speed according to your abilities and the places you are travelling through, as long as it is lower than the speed of the participants, in no case will it be higher.
Drive slowly through the villages; respect the local people; their customs; through the countryside, respect and enjoy the wildlife and the beautiful terrain. Remember that you are driving a motor vehicle and that driving without this in mind (and even more so off-road) can be an irresponsible and very dangerous activity.
The Client undertakes to comply with all Spanish laws, regulations, rules and regulations, mainly traffic regulations, as well as to maintain the utmost civility towards the surrounding flora and fauna.
The buggy is being hired and as such you are solely responsible for all traffic offences / fines incurred by the Client for any infringement of the law, except where such offences are due to the vehicle
. For the duration of the tour, the Client agrees to comply with all the detailed rules, as well as the laws and customs of Spain, especially with regard to health, alcohol, drugs or any other matter.
You agree not to cause damage to either the buggy or the environment due to misuse of the vehicle:
Whilst it is not our policy to charge for damage to buggies or equipment, we reserve the right to charge the Client for damage caused to any property, if the damage is due to misuse, carelessness or recklessness as well as malicious intent on the part of the Client.
You must follow all advice and instructions given by your guide at all times.
The guide will explain, advise and indicate to the participants any relevant information on the routes, instances and any last minute problems/trip modifications, (if any), and the type of terrain to be covered. We reserve the right to change the routes at our discretion.
You may not leave the tour voluntarily without prior notice to the guide before the end of the tour. If the guide or any other representative of the company must do so, you will be escorted back to the starting point where you are and by the shortest route without refund.
Acknowledges that, due to the nature of the activity and the tour, Rubicon Tour, cannot accept any responsibility for any accident, loss or damage to the Client's vehicle or other possession, whether owned, borrowed or hired by the Client.
You acknowledge that the specification of the buggy may be subject to change without notice (including make, model and engine size).

Your passion for buggy and nature will not be safe if your participation is not safe, respectful:

2. NO skidding or acceleration while idling.
3. NO hands, arms or mobile phones are taken out of the safety cage while the vehicle is in motion.
4. NO littering on the route. Use litter bins or leave it in the buggy.
DO NOT get too close to other buggies. A considerable SAFETY DISTANCE must be maintained between vehicles, especially on tracks, as braking and decelerating a buggy on a dirt track is not the same as stopping an ABS equipped car on tarmac.
6. DO NOT lag behind or overtake.
7. No alcohol, before and during your trips. Police controls (alcohol/drugs) are your responsibility.
8. Seat belts must be worn AT ALL TIMES.
9. DO NOT get carried away or distracted: If you break it, you pay for it.
10. NO smoking in the buggies or while driving. In summer you can only smoke where the guide allows you to do so.
11. THIS IS NOT A RACE! We are just going to have a good time
12. We will use the horn only in case of necessity
13. The tour guide is the absolute boss and will always have the final say.

Remember: We create unforgettable days!